Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Losing Weight with Advocare

I've always struggled with weight. Well, maybe not in high school after I got mono. But even then people told me I was TOO skinny... I've also had an up and down battle with the scale. PCOS is a big contributor to that. When I got engaged, I lost 30lbs to fit in the wedding dress I had purchased LONG before my engagement because it was perfect. It was stashed in my closet for quite some time before I got to wear it.
             I went through a lot of emotional and mental struggles in the few years following our wedding with work and school and I learned that I'm an emotional eater. Food is my coping mechanism. I gained the 30lbs and 30 more.
        Ironically, after having a baby I was down 20 of the second 30. After twins, 20 more pounds. Being pregnant, I was losing weight (I still joke that I just need more kids to lose more weight!). Having kids turned my focus to them and I ate better and exercised more and all of that. I had no problems maintaining where I was post babies.
         Then, we moved cross country. Money was tight, our house we were renting was FAR from civilization which meant it cost more to go places and meet people. I stayed home. I probably got a bit a depression. I ate junk... I mean goldfish... Wait...
        I've never been a huge soda drinker and we never purchase 6 packs of anything. The kids aren't fed on potato chips and candy. True junk food is rarely in our house but kid friendly, not the healthiest but at least they will eat it options were and still are available. I have a picky eater. He will devour the spinach and mozarella pasta sample at Costco but refuse it at home and only want honey nut cheerios. He will try a bite of a strawberry and then hand over the rest. It's a constant battle and more often than not he wins unfortunately. It's either he eats goldfish or we fight... as a parent you learn some battles aren't worth the war.... This though was contributing to my poor eating. Why buy veggies if I'm the only one eating them became my mantra... and my waist line and overall health has suffered.
         I'm also not for gimmicks. I tried Slim Fast once- gained weight. People always suggest weight watchers- I don't want to count points (I HATE Math! why would I add it to my food). I don't mind reading labels and checking for added sugars and things so I tried Whole30- a paleo type "lifestyle change" for 30 days this passed summer. I felt better, had more energy but the weight wasn't coming off. Super depressing. My sister, Tetiana posted that the company she works for was doing a "24day challenge." It's a variety of vitamins, supplements, protein shake things, energy drink, etc.... that you do for 24 days. She asked me to try it. At this point, I had nothing left to lose.
      So, Aug 2014 I started my 24day challenge. Pretty simple. Take a pill at the designated time and eat healthy. I didn't use the energy drink. I didn't supplement meals with shakes. I ate- food. Real food. The weight was literally falling off and it's steadily been falling off since. I use 2 advocare products- Catalyst  and MNS. There are many many different products; even skin care and you can ask her for more details on them as I haven't tried them to review them.
        I haven't "dieted" or even exercised. I've tried to eat healthy as often as possible and that's it. No skimping, skipping or get slim quick schemes. It's been working and yesterday I was feeling down so I put my old jeans on- the ones from the summer before the 30lbs lost. I put my old jeans on OVER my new jeans. I was wearing 2 pairs of jeans at the same time. It felt like one of those crazy weight loss commercials with the before and after pictures. SO...I took a picture. I posted it on facebook and over 100 of my friends "liked" it. Over 20 friends commented. 5 friends PM'd me about how I've done it.... Thank you everyone for all of the encouragement. It's sooo motivating! So... here we are. I'm trying to get myself in a place to add exercise and push myself to really get the weight off. Life has been hectic so I'm hoping that in the next few weeks I'll have less chaos making more time for me to be healthy. The boys love to exercise and have been talking about that and healthy living at preschool so it's the perfect time to get back to walking and doing family exercising. 
    So, if you want to learn more about Advocare you can check out Tetiana's website , email her or call her 562-217-1270 and she will happily answer any questions you have and get you started on your weight loss journey. Thank you again for all the encouragement!! 

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in review...

Here's my list of 20 things I wanted to work on for 2013. I didn't get ALL of them done but I plan to keep the same list for the most part for 2014 and keep trying. After all, No one's perfect!
1. Lose weight - Did NOT do... Must work harder on this one!
2. Eat healthier - hit and miss throughout the year but gotta keep trying!
3. Exercise regularly- same as #2...
4. Do at least 1 craft per month (if possible 1 per week depends on the craft and the budget!) -ROCKED IT!
5. Try a new recipe at least 1 per month- yup! homemade alfredo sauce, spaghetti squash, wonton tostadas...
6. Meal plan- eek!
7. Stay on budget- started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University- working it big time!!
8. Attend 1 playgroup meetup per week minimum- yup!
9. Complete daily chores and maintain the house-working it!
10. Find a stay at home job to help pay the bills/save- not yet... hopefully something will come along
11. Find and purchase our dream home- DONE!!!
12. Have a date night at least 1 per month (depends on budget etc)- nope! We went on 1 date for all of sad! 
13. Communicate more regularly with family near and far- working on it! even if it's mostly texts!
14. Potty train 3 boys! SUCCESS!!!
15. Spend less time with technology and more time with family- working on it!
16. Create and keep a routine- eek!
17. Have my kids (and husband) finish hugs (don't pull away!)- YES!!!
18. Be a more understanding and patient mother/wife-eek!
19. Be more attentive to the needs of my boys (big and small)- eek!
20. Read scripture and pray regularly.- pray yes, scripture- eek!

So, in all honesty I think my only tweek is to take off the dream home and potty training and just have 18 goals for 2014! I'm ready to rock it!! Happy New Year!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

3 month check up!

Last time I wrote it was to make a list of the goals I wanted to attempt for 2013. I don't want to call them resolutions...something about that words makes you want to  break them right away! So here they are...let's so how we've done

1. Lose weight - Yurchik went on a "make cookies" phase and I think I gained 10lbs!
2. Eat healthier - minus the cookies we've been doing good!
3. Exercise regularly- started walking with the boys!
4. Do at least 1 craft per month (if possible 1 per week depends on the craft and the budget!) so far averaging 2 a month
5. Try a new recipe at least 1 per month- yup! homemade alfredo sauce, spaghetti squash, wonton tostadas...
6. Meal plan- eek!
7. Stay on budget- started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University- paying the bills and saving $
8. Attend 1 playgroup meetup per week minimum- hit and miss on this one as we've all been down with some sickness or something sporadically... hopefully we will be on the mend and back to playing!
9. Complete daily chores and maintain the house-eek!
10. Find a stay at home job to help pay the bills/save- applications galore for all sorts of jobs. Just applied for the perfect to get it!
11. Find and purchase our dream home- in the works!
12. Have a date night at least 1 per month (depends on budget etc)- nada for January but 1 for February
13. Communicate more regularly with family near and far- working on it! even if it's mostly texts!
14. Potty train 3 boys!- eek!
15. Spend less time with technology and more time with family- eek!
16. Create and keep a routine- eek!
17. Have my kids (and husband) finish hugs (don't pull away!)- YES!!!
18. Be a more understanding and patient mother/wife-eek!
19. Be more attentive to the needs of my boys (big and small)- eek!
20. Read scripture and pray regularly.- pray yes, scripture- eek!

So, looking over it I have actually done more than I thought. That makes me feel a little better. I've been lacking in motivation the last week or so ( I think it's the sick kids, sick me, sick husband, family drama, etc....) but hopefully will wake up a renewed woman and kick it into gear! I guess I would need to sleep first... hello 1am nice to see you!

I hope that I can continue to maintain what I've started and take a few of those "eeks!" off the list soon! Here's to a happier, healthier me!

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year New Dani

I have so many wonderful things to be grateful for the past few years; wonderful family, healthy and happy kids, a husband that adores me, a new home in a new state, a new nephew...I can go on. It's amazing how much life can change in just one year. As with the passing of one year to another there's always the "new year resolutions" that people start and usually never finish. Perhaps motivation is lacking, life gets in the way or you just plain forget...I think I'm guilty of all of these and laziness as well! I've never made a list to check off or put up to remind me. I've noticed that my life is chaotic (hello 3 boys 3 and under just screams chaos!) and I do better when making a list (although not perfect as I don't think half of my advent calendar was done on the day it was supposed to be!). Anyway, I'm going to "blog" my resolutions so that I have a written copy to refer to....I plan to print it and post it on the fridge, the mirror, wherever so that I am constantly reminded. Here's to a new year and a new Dani!

1. Lose weight
2. Eat healthier
3. Exercise regularly
4. Do at least 1 craft per month (if possible 1 per week depends on the craft and the budget!)
5. Try a new recipe at least 1 per month
6. Meal plan
7. Stay on budget
8. Attend 1 playgroup meetup per week minimum
9. Complete daily chores and maintain the house
10. Find a stay at home job to help pay the bills/save
11. Find and purchase our dream home
12. Have a date night at least 1 per month (depends on budget etc)
13. Communicate more regularly with family near and far
14. Potty train 3 boys!
15. Spend less time with technology and more time with family
16. Create and keep a routine
17. Have my kids (and husband) finish hugs (don't pull away!)
18. Be a more understanding and patient mother/wife
19. Be more attentive to the needs of my boys (big and small)
20. Read scripture and pray regularly.

20 is enough right?! LOL

Monday, December 10, 2012


I've been battling with a lot of issues lately. To top it all off, my family just relocated 1500 miles from everything and everyone we know. I've been struggling with career, parenting, marriage, finances, the whole gammit of life and it seems the holidays and the distance just add to it. I find myself lashing out at my family; at my kids who are just little and none of it is their fault or control. They are too little and besides- I'm the parent. It's my job to be watchful, attentive, supportive... They are such good boys and hardly ever do anything that warrants consequences so why do I overreact... I know it's because I'm not happy with myself, with the choices I've made, the lifestyle I'm living. Yet, every morning I wake up saying today it's all going to change and then I go right back to the same habits and stupidness of the life I've created for myself. It's ridiculous. I don't like who I am as a person let alone as a mother or a wife. My husband has been working so hard, 12 hr days away from everyone doing physical work to provide for us and I feel like I'm just sitting on the couch watching tv wasting away. Don't get me wrong I'm up and picking up the house and the boys are following behind me tearing it back down. That's what toddlers do. It just gets frustrating when you want things to be perfect and they aren't. When you want life to go the way you think it should and it doesn't. Nothing seems to be working out and it just makes me sadder... I don't know how to fix it anymore.

Monday, April 23, 2012


September 2008 was supposed to be a great time in our lives. I finally got my credential and thought I would be teaching but the economic situation left the California teachers in a downhill spiral of layoffs, budget cuts and classroom size increases resulting in limited job openings. So, after signing up to sub in a few districts we sat down and really started trying to figure out things. We wanted to start our family but would we be able to afford it on sub pay; especially knowing that we were looking to shell out money just to have a baby. We took the leap anyway. We figure kids are expensive no matter what and if we wait until we can afford them we will never have them.

That's when I called Reproductive Partners. At this point in time I hadn't met anyone who had fertility issues. No one I knew had problems; real problems. We were barely starting and knew it was going to be hard so why waste time trying on our own. I met Dr Yee. After his introduction and brief talk about the practice he asked me 2 simple questions. 1. How would you describe your cycle? That had an obvious answer- practically non-existent. Obviously, I delved into the same history I've previously spoken of. Then he asked #2. Write down your weight at 10, 18, 25 and today. Ummm ok... so I did. What we both noticed was how dramatic my weight changes were. It's constantly up and down. I couldn't explain the ups or downs minus the at 25 (since I knew I had just killed myself to look good for my wedding!). That's when he paused for a moment, grabbed some brochures and diagrams from his desk and said, "Danielle, I think you have PCOS." It was the like the angels were singing in heaven. A professional, a reproductive endocrinologist just told me what I feared for years having done my own legwork. Yet, at that moment I was afraid. I was thrilled! I had an answer that would lead to proper treatment...I would be a mom! Set aside all the issues that come with PCOS for just that one moment....

He did a vaginal ultrasound and showed me the horrendous nature of my ovaries... tons of partially matured eggs that just never made it out sat there staring at me. Possible babies!!! I wasn't completely barren or completely out of luck... HOPE... Immediately, I started more progesterone to get a cycle going. 50mg of clomid once my period started. A vag u/s every few days to track egg growth and possible cysts and side effects from the added hormones would all be worth it.... except the egg never grew...nothing. Not even a glimmer...

So, wash, rinse, repeat... Another month the same routine; each month an extra 50mg of clomid. Finally, in January, at 150 an egg appeared! And then nothing.... so we tried 150 again. This time it didn't work all! With dread I asked the dr how many mgs can I take and for how long? Dr Cassidenti was in that day and she very quietly yet hopefully let me know that the max was 250 and only for 3 months... that was 5 more tries! 5 more months. So with more dread I asked what would be the next step if the 250 doesn't work. This was what I truly feared. The constant u/s and exams, the medications, the gas going to and from all the time were straining our finances. The "we have to try tonight" was ruining our sex life.  Yuri and I were growing farther apart from the pressure and strain this was causing (let alone the crazy hormones). Next, would be hormone injections and other more costly procedures. Last resort was obviously IVF....

But, I never give up and I always finish what I start (note this has nothing to do with crafts or housework!) so we kept going. Since the 150mg didn't work the second time the dr's just moved us right into 250... Now we went from 5 tries to 3 in a flash! 6 months of work with no results was daunting enough!  Luckily, March was a very busy month for us. We had things to do every weekend it seemed so that took away the pressure. The busy weekends also gave us the ability to bring the spontaneity back. That busy month just flew.

April 1, 2009 I sat on the couch making a list of things I had to pack for our big trip to AZ...We were going to meet my dad. I use the word meet because I hadn't seen my father since I was 10. It was definitely a meet not a visit. A baby was far from my mind when Yuri, pale white and somber walked into the room to tell me his godsister passed away suddenly that afternoon.We were devastated. And scrambling. Now we had to tie in a funeral with our vacation- would we even be able to go. Things suddenly became chaotic and that baby on the brain we'd had for months was gone. Truly, neither of us thought about the fact that my period was supposed to come that day or any day that week. How do you think about making a baby when someone you love, someone who's family is taken from you at 27!

We decided to go to AZ. Meeting my dad (and stepmom) was a big deal. We would be there only a few days before needing to return for Adriana's funeral. We packed and we drove. It was a great trip. We had a wonderful reunion/meeting and everything went perfectly. The night before we were to leave I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing. I suddenly remembered I was missing something... Aunt Flow hadn't come on my vacation. I was sure it would dampen the entire vacation further than having to leave early for a funeral. At 3am I couldn't lie in bed any longer. I got up and went into the bathroom. Apparently, my brain had been functioning during packing because I had packed a pregnancy test!

Then I did what every "expectant mother" does.. I peed on a stick. Then I sat... Ironic that I almost fell asleep. It was this idea that was so stuck in my subconscious it was causing me to be restless. I think I fell asleep on the toilet in all honestly. Who does that?! Who falls asleep waiting for the time to run out and have a HUGE question answered... Well, when I awoke and realized what I was waiting for and glanced toward the sink I saw it... I was amazed. I couldn't believe it. I didn't believe. I wasn't going to be a mom. I had told myself this over and over and over again... Yet there I was standing in front of a positive test. I woke Yuri to show him. In his dazed stupor he hugged and kissed me and then we both fell asleep. When we woke a few hours later, he looked over at me and said, "Did that really happen last night?!" Luckily, I had taken pictures of the stick or we both may have had doubts! We were going to be parents.

What do you do with that information after a lifetime of doubt and months of struggle. Do you tell the world? Do you interrupt a funeral and put the spotlight on yourself? Adrianna loved babies and she would have loved all of my boys... I wish she were still her to meet them. One day....

We kept it to ourselves. We wanted to wait for a positive blood test and all other a-okays from the doctors. We left my dad knowing. I went early the next morning for the blood test and got the confirmation call at the funeral. BUT they wanted me back in. My progesterone was dangerously low. I could miscarry without medication! Amazing how your joy turns to sorrow so quickly!

Thankfully, the medication worked. Our first born stuck and 8 months later we met him. What joy he brought to our lives in those few months. We finally told everyone on Mother's Day. It was the best gift to give to our mothers and grandmothers and I'm glad we waited until 13 weeks and Mother's Day to tell the world.

Yuri Jr was 8 months old when I went back to see the doctors at Reproductive Partners. I always wanted my kids 18 months apart. How wonderful for my kids to grow up with each other! They gave me the go ahead and we jumped right in at 250mg. It worked before it should work again. And on round 2 it did! Only 2 months of clomid before it took... but it was different this time. My progesterone was 2x the amount it was with Jr. So, we went in for a 5 week u/s and will never forget seeing the fuzzy screen and starting to comprehend what I saw as the Dr Rosen turned to the nurse and said, "I thought only 1 egg released." OMG! Both eggs released and BOTH attached! We were going to have twins!!!!! My instant response, "We should have bought a bigger car (we had just purchased a new car a few weeks prior)!"

The pregnancy was completely different and life altering from Yuri. Bed rest, bleeding, crash Csection at 30 weeks... It was a lot. But I'm happy to say that all 3 of my boys are healthy and thriving and love each other. My days are never dull and my heart is always full. (for more about my boys and my journey through the NICU visit my family blog at
So please, share your story, let your voice be heard and allow other women to learn and live and be encouraged by what you have endured.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Infertility (the early years)

A friend asked me a while back to share my story of infertility. I wrote it as soon as she asked me. Before I could save it my computer did that joyous "blue screen of death" and it was gone. I was a bit upset but then realized that perhaps it wasn't the right time or I didn't write it in the way God would have wanted me to share it. So now I've decided it's time I should try to write it again. I may have to save this post a million times before it's done but I plan to finish it and share it so that other young women can read it and feel hopeful for their own situation.

So, today is April 17, 2012. My infertility journey started 20 years ago. I don't remember the first day I started my period. I remember being at church and going to the bathroom and blood being everywhere. I put a ton of toilet paper in my undies and went on with my business. Later, at home I told my mom I was bleeding...and thus began my journey.

My period was NEVER regular. They say in the beginning that is usually isn't. That your body is still adjusting to puberty and all that. It seems my period was never there when I was home on my butt doing nothing and always there when I went to summer camp or had a school performance or some other event that as a pre-teen made it unbarable. I never told my friends I had started. I was 10! No one had their period until Jr High... I didn't want to be the only one with it so I remained mute.

I think this is a key moment that now as a 30 yr old that has gone through some much in regards to reproductive health I can see. I am amazed that as women we don't share more about our breasts, our periods, our pregnancies, our post partum blues. Perhaps we don't because society gives "celebrities" such a hard time about it. Celebs are put on the spot for having PPD or lactation issues, for using IVF or surgogates... so us normal, every day ladies feel we should remain quiet about the issues as to not stir the pot.

Well, here I am ready to stir. It's now April 22nd. It's the first day of "infertility awareness" week. My mission is to finish my blog. The kids have been asleep for hours and I should be as well but I decided to blog instead...

I remember, the summer after 8th grade I had my period every day... My period had started in May and it was awful. It was soooo unbelievably heavy. I would bleed through no matter if I went to the bathroom between classes, during classes, etc. It was awful. I tried to hide it as best as I could but wasn't successful in the slightest! I would come home and wash my clothes. I wore only black for over a week. I was embarassed and I honestly didn't know what to do. My mom was working and had just had a baby. She was too busy to talk to. Besides, we weren't very good at communicating through my teen years (thank goodness we figured that out!). So, I wore a pad or toilet paper on super light days; because that's what the summer was... I was wiping blood away every time I used the restroom. It rarely filled a pad or even a liner so I would wad up toilet paper in my underwear to keep the stains at bay and to keep my mother from noticing the feminine product supply dwindling. It wasn't until mid September when my flow increased and my mom noticed I was on my period for too long. We went to a GYN.... As a 14 yr old and a 30 yr old those stirrups are no joke. I completely freaked to the point where my legs wouldn't position in the stirrups for a proper exam. The dr gave me a card to track my cycle and that was that. I thought it was the stupidest idea anyone had ever told me. My period was never regular... In 4 yrs it had yet to regulate. I knew something else was wrong but the dr assured us that my body was just figuring things out.

What did women do before the internet? I guess they trusted their doctors and moved on with their lives! Well, I started researching. Whenever I could get on a computer I looked things up. I wanted to know. It's my body and my life. At 14 I was fat with big boobs, terrible acne and an irregular period. Not really anything unusual for a 14 yr old now is it? So, I stopped trying to figure it out for awhile. At 16 I was 100lbs less than I was at 14 but still had all the other issues. At 18, I was over the acne and I went to get my first pap smear. Oh joy! By now, I knew something was wrong and everything I had looked up told me I wouldn't have kids. There was definitely something wrong with me. Yet, there I sat at the GYN getting birth control pills for regularity and acne control. People always think birth control is for preventing pregnancies yet it does so much more. I was a virgin on the pill for years... as if virginity mattered as I had already done the research- I had fertility issues and wouldn't have kids anyways.

At 22, I started gaining weight. Diets didn't work, exercise didn't work. I instantly blamed the pill. I had plenty of friends that said the pill caused weight gain. I worried that I should stop taking it but I thought being heavy would be better than acne. At 23, I got engaged. Yuri and I dated for 5 years before we got married. We started dating when I weighted 125lbs and we got engaged I was 200lbs!!! How does someone gain 75lbs in approximately 4 years!!! I was determined to not be FAT for my wedding. I knew deep down I would never be 125 again, but I knew I could find some place where I would be happy with my weight. I worked my ass off to lose about 30lbs in a year. I ate a strict diet, I exercised for hours every day. I spent all my free time obsessing with the scale. I am quite happy with the size I was in my wedding pictures. It sure didn't last long.

Apparently, I need a goal, a motivator, something worthwhile and substantial to take diet and exercise seriously. More on this later...

At my heaviest, I weighed in at 243 lbs. I was 26 weeks pregnant with my 1st son. That's the first time I've ever written or said that. It makes me sick. I cannot believe I weighed that much. And I digress... We haven't even gotten to the pregnancy part!

So, Yuri and I were married for about 2 yrs, together for 7 and decided we were ready to figure this kid thing out. We knew it wouldn't be easy and we would need to be open to a plethora of ideas but we both felt we were meant to have kids. So, first things more birth control. I went for a routine pap having not been on the pill for a few months and not having a period. Who knows right... maybe God would surprise us. The dr said given my history it was unlikely but he gave me the test anyway. Negative. Then he wrote out the prescription. I hadn't even asked for a refill. So, I kindly said we were ready to start trying for a baby. This doctor (I'm leaving his name out for the sake of being a bigger person than him) looked me straight in the eye and said, "You're too fat to have a baby. Lose 30lbs and come back. Then we will talk." I was amazed he spoke to me like that, appalled he had the audacity to say it and on the verge of a breakdown (He had also found a cyst on my right breast that I needed to have checked... luckily it dissolved on its own...later I would find out the cause for that as well!). He handed me the prescriptions (one for progesterone to restart my cycle and the other for the pills... I NEVER filled the 2nd). I took the progesterone and started my period. I knew it was necessary as it would regulate my hormones (the cause for the cyst) and give me a started point to track my own cycles. I went back to his office to have my cyst cleared (it was gone hallelujah and never went back again!

But now we were left at a standstill. My period wouldn't come on it's own. My weight was horrendous (231lbs) and I had no doctor to ask for help, advice, guidance. So, I did what any normal person does...I prayed. I asked God for an answer, a direction, a light at the end of the tunnel... and one September morning I received it!